Classes | Functions
Marmot::ContinuumMechanics::HaighWestergaard Namespace Reference


struct  HaighWestergaardCoordinates


template<typename T = double>
HaighWestergaardCoordinates< T > haighWestergaard (const Eigen::Matrix< T, 6, 1 > &stress)
HaighWestergaardCoordinates< double > haighWestergaardFromStrain (const Marmot::Vector6d &strain)

Class Documentation

◆ Marmot::ContinuumMechanics::HaighWestergaard::HaighWestergaardCoordinates

struct Marmot::ContinuumMechanics::HaighWestergaard::HaighWestergaardCoordinates

template<typename T = double>
struct Marmot::ContinuumMechanics::HaighWestergaard::HaighWestergaardCoordinates< T >

Aggregate of the Haigh-Westergaard coordinates (invariants) \(\xi\), \(\rho\), \(\theta\).

Class Members
T xi Hydrostatic component \(\xi\).
T rho Deviatoric radius \(\rho\).
T theta Lode angle \(\theta\) specified in radian.

Function Documentation

◆ haighWestergaard()

template<typename T = double>
HaighWestergaardCoordinates< T > Marmot::ContinuumMechanics::HaighWestergaard::haighWestergaard ( const Eigen::Matrix< T, 6, 1 > &  stress)

Computes the stress coordinates in the Haigh-Westergaard space.

The stress coordinates are computed from the invariants \(I_1,\,J_2,\,J_3\) of the stress tensor as follows:




stressStress tensor \(\sig\) given in Voigt notation.

◆ haighWestergaardFromStrain()

HaighWestergaardCoordinates< double > Marmot::ContinuumMechanics::HaighWestergaard::haighWestergaardFromStrain ( const Marmot::Vector6d strain)

Computes the strain coordinates in the Haigh-Westergaard space.

The computation is equal to haighWestergaard by replacing the stress invariants with the strain invariants.
strainStrain tensor \(\eps\) given in Voigt notation.