Substepping Algorithms

Adaptive Substepper

Substepper for Implicit Return Mapping Algorithms

Implementation: AdaptiveSubstepper.h

Adaptive Substepper, employing an error estimation and Richardson extrapolation for an implicit return mapping algorithm.

Substepper for Semi - Explicit Return Mapping Algorithms

Implementation: AdaptiveSubstepperExplicit.h

Adaptive Substepper, employing an error estimation and Richardson extrapolation for an semi - explicit return mapping algorithm.

Perez Fouget Substepper

Substepper for Implicit Return Mapping Algorithms

Implementation: PerezFougetSubstepperMarkII.h

Perez Fouget Substepper for elastoplastic materials with an implicit return mapping algorithm.

Substepper for Semi - Explicit Return Mapping Algorithms

Implementation: PerezFougetSubstepperExplicitMarkII.h

Perez Fouget Substepper for semi - explicit elastoplastic materials.

Modified Version to Consider Time-Variant Elastic Stiffness Tensor

Implementation: PerezFougetSubstepperTime.h